How To Stop Others From Changing Your Windows 8 Start Screen Tiles Settings

windows 8 has introduced new and interactive start screen tiles, some of which are live while others are not. These tiles may be a shortcut to some program or some specific Modern application. As you know, you can manage all your start screen tiles option manually, but here is a great tool for taking care of your customizations for start screen of Windows 8. The app called Tile Locker offers great functionality whichlocks the most of the customizations options which can be done for a tile.
Consider a scenario where you have a lot of people in the home or office and are using your personal laptop or PC having Windows 8 installed on it. You might have set the tiles according to your needs. What if those people change the layout or settings of your well-arranged tiles? You would be very frustrated. Don’t you?
For stopping others from changing your settings for start screen tiles, the Tile Locker app turns out to behandy tool.
Tile Locker is a free and lightweight tool which helps in locking the Start Screen tiles. It locks the functions like dragging and dropping of tiles, unpinning, or resizing them, etc. After enabling the tool, anyone can’t change the location of any tile, they can’t resize or unpin them and also they can’t change other settings associated with it.
Tile Locker - for locking start screen tiles settings

How To Use It?

Using Tile Locker is very easy. Just download (using link given below) and run the program as administrator. The main window will be displayed. If you want to lock the tiles, click Enable. That’s it! Now either log off your PC/system or restart your system. After doing so, you will not be able to drag and drop the tiles and even you won’t be able to change their settings.
Tile Locker - enabled
Now if you want to disable the tile lock, simply click Disable and you’re done!
Please note that to make the program work, you must run it as administrator. If you don’t do so, you will be greeted with an error.
You can download this program by Clicking Here!
Source fromh


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